Monday, September 14, 2009

What's With the Fancy Colors Dude?

Bullock's Oriole (Icterus bullockii)

 This House Finch isn't quite sure what to think of the flashy colored visitor with pink beak tips (from frequent drinks at the hummingbird feeder). Its a first for me to have an Oriole appear in my backyard. I think its a young male Bullock's Oriole. He showed up September 10th, likes to hang out in the Palo Verde tree, and continually drinks from the hummingbird feeder throughout the day. He seems to be alone, or I just haven't recognized a female Oriole's subtle coloring. With those pink beak-tips he might have trouble attracting a female mate!'


  1. Good to see you back again, Peggy.
    Lovely pictures too.

    Did you get any pictures of the Humming Birds at the feeder?

  2. We've missed you at the DBG! We saw a Long-eared owl there last week. (Very unusual!) I hope to see you soon.


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