Things are really hoppin now at DBG, as warblers and other migrants start to appear. This Monday morning's bird walk, led by birder extraordinaire Diana Herron, was filled with surprises. I saw my first Lincoln's Sparrow in the wildflower garden, and Phainopepla were popping up here and there. We caught glimpses of a Brown Thrasher near the closed Herb Garden, then suffered Warbler's-neck craning our heads upward to see the various Warblers high in the cottonwood trees, had a Green Heron pose nicely for us in a tree over the pond, saw flashes of bright yellow and black as a Bullock's Oriole whizzed by, then a Pyrrhuloxia showed up on the Terrace as we compiled our bird lists!
To keep up on what is being seen this spring at Desert Botanical Garden - see the new DBG - Birdwalks website by William and Diana Herron. You'll find complete lists of birds seen on the DBG Saturday and Monday Morning Birdwalks. There's a lot of other great info there too - on bird books, binoculars, and even some advice on how to make it onto the list of best-dressed-birders. Be sure to read the Birding Etiquette page. As the excitement of spring-time birding builds, we could all use a few reminders on birdwalk protocol. The URL for DBG Birdwalks Website :
For some great bird photos see Jeff Stemshorn's work at Birds in the Garden 2011 on Facebook!
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