Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Christmas Bird Wreaths

Pomegranates and fig leaves

Tis the Season... to create wonderful edible wreaths for our birds!  So start gathering up some pine cones, dried sunflower seed heads, nuts, fruit, seeds, berries, and grapevines.

Its easy!  Just grab some floral wire or bakers twine, and slide on some fruit, popcorn (plain), and peanuts (raw unsalted).  When making bows try to use natural fibers such as raffia, corn husks, cotton, burlap or wool yarn.
Grapes, blueberries, dried cranberries, popcorn and cheerios
Try using fresh cranberries because many dried fruits have sugar or high-fructose corn syrup
added. I don't recommend using processed cereals like Cheerios because of GMOs.

Pine cone feeders are fun and easy for kids to make. The usual method is to slather on peanut butter, then roll in birdseed.  Since it's warm here in Phoenix you should mix cornmeal in with the peanut butter to thicken it up to keep it from melting.  Use  a bird seed containing several seed types so that you will attract a greater variety of birds.
Apples, pomegranates, pine cones can be secured with florists wire.
When assembling wreaths, try to incorporate sprigs of local native plants.

Garland made of fresh cranberries and  raw unsalted peanuts.

An old rake holds apples, pomegranates, and a big sunflower seed head.

You can get free pine tree trimmings at many of the Christmas tree
lots to make swags and wreaths.


  1. Wreaths are one of my favorite things.Last December me and my mom went for shopping and I remember I bought so many wreaths. They look really beautiful on doors

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