White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys)
Get involved, its easy, and its fun! Here's a reminder from Pat Leonard of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology - " Join the 13th annual
Great Backyard Bird Count by tallying the birds you see at any location during
February 12-15. Watch for at least 15 minutes on one or more count days, record the highest number of each species you see at any one time, and enter your checklist at
http://www.birdcount.org/. Put your sightings on the map and watch as counts pour in from around the United States and Canada! The count is led by the Cornell Lab, Audubon, and Canadian partner Bird Studies Canada, with sponsorship from Wild Birds Unlimited. Learn more at
http://www.birdcount.org/. Please join in!"
Good Luck With Everyone's Bird Count this weekend!