Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Warbler Walk Without Warblers

NOT a Black Phoebe (Sayornis nigricans)
Is it an Olive-sided Flycatcher or a dark shot of an Ash-throated Flycatcher?

The May 1st Warbler Walk at Rio Salado was not completely warblerless.  We could hear them,  and caught a few glimpses of a warbler butt here and there.  The only halfway decent photo I got, seen above, was of a Black Phoebe.  And NO, I have not resorted to birding from within the federal pen, this was taken in the parking lot at Rio Salado.


  1. I may not be seeing the photo properly, but isn't that an Olive-sided Flycatcher?
    Enjoy your blog--makes me homesick for AZ!

  2. Thanks for catching that. I see now that it can't be a Black Phoebe - its got white onn the chin and upper chest. Wish I had a better photo.


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